Friday, November 9, 2012

Changes and Updates

I know I've been quiet for the last two weeks, but I've been extremely busy over here with school, homework, and my externship. 

Everything is going great over here. I think I've really impressed the people who are training me at the office I'm at and they tell me all the time of how big of a help I am around the office and how much they appreciate my hard work. My supervisor also seems really impressed with me lately as well. I asked for extra hours during Thanksgiving break and the look on her face told me that she hadn't expected that at all. She seemed very happy that I asked and immediately wrote me in for more hours. I'm hoping this initiative that I'm showing will show that I'm taking what she said seriously about me working hard so that we can talk about me possibly getting a full time job there.

So fingers are crossed with that one. Please pray for me guys. I really want and need this job. So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Master and I are doing great as well. We're quickly coming up on our 4 year anniversary, so we're trying to make plans for the weekend of the 18th to do something fun and special. I think we pretty much have it covered, but I don't want to get my hopes up because sometimes plan change. 

Also, something else that is pretty cool and that I'm still trying to let sink in: apparently Master's father referred to me as his "future daughter-in-law" for the first time today. So.. that tells me that (at the very least) one parent is really starting to get it. That Master and I are dead serious about this relationship we have with one another. 

Now if we can only get that sort of thing out of His mother. *laughs*

Today has been great, though. It's been busy, but I have no complaints. One thing that has been going on with me is that Master has been really putting the "moves" on me, so to speak. Haha. Earlier this evening I had just sat down and was relaxing from my shift at the office and He came over to me

"Tilt your head to the side, Anastassia."


"Just do it."

I kind of protested a little as I tilted my neck, unsure of what was about to happen, when I suddenly saw the honey bottle in His hand. 

"Sir, what are you-?"

He held my head in His free hand and drizzled that honey on my neck. The look on my face was kind of like this --> -.- but then I felt His warm tongue against my neck and for some reason I immediately melted into the chair. A few moans escaped my lips and I felt like I was drunk. 

Sadly, the moment ended way too soon and I was kind of left here in a daze for a moment. 

Okay.. That was, admittedly, very hot and I did not react quite like I thought I would. I guess Master is just a magical kind of guy.

A little bit ago, He did something similar, but instead already had the honey in His mouth on his tongue. He pulled me in for a kiss and stuck His tongue in my mouth, twirling the honey between our tongues. I know it sounds a little gross, but this pretty much got the same reaction as before.

I'm a lucky woman. Better yet.. a very lucky slave.



  1. Hmmm... I am curious about the honey - is he going somewhere with this?

    1. Well nothing really came of it all last night, but I have a feeling this weekend just might get a little bit interesting, giving that we may have some free time on our hands. ^.^ Trust me, I'll probably blog about it if it does. *giggles* ♥
