Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm Beautiful and You're Beautiful Too

I've been seeing a lot of posts and articles lately speaking of beauty and realizing one's own self-worth, but what I haven't seen is people talking about telling other's that they are just as beautiful too.

Let me explain.

See, everyone has their own self-esteem issues at some point in time, and I almost always hear "Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful just the way you are" or some variation of that. While this is great, and I strongly recommend that to everyone, stop and think for a moment. If you deserve to feel beautiful and good about yourself, why not the same for others? Say... even your partner?

Every day, at some point during the day, I do my best to make it a habit of telling Master that He is a beautiful person. And He is. I don't tell Him this just because I love Him, but because it is true. We deserve to treat ourselves with compliments, but our partners deserve that same respect as well. As does our family, and our friends, and even our enemies. (Some may disagree). But we all deserve to feel beautiful.

My point is, never stop believing and telling yourself that you are beautiful and that you have self-worth, but don't forget to remind your partners of this as well. Or anyone else you can think of. Nine times out of ten, it's just what someone needs to hear, whether you know it or not.

No matter if you are a male, female, intelligent, uneducated, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pan-sexual, transsexual, a transvestite, hermaphrodite, monogamous, poly-amorous, unsure, tall, short, skinny, fit, overweight, underweight, African American, Caucasian, Asian, Indian, Mexican, etc etc. You are all beautiful in your own ways. Never forget that, and never forget to let those who are important to you know that you think they are just as beautiful as you. 

I know I sound like a total hippie, but spread the love people. There is too much hate and negativity in this world.  



  1. A beautiful post, and I totally agree! They used to say "give peace a chance." I've always amended that to "give love and sex a chance." :) Thank you for your wonderful words. There should be a "compliment a stranger" day.


    1. I love that idea!! Compliment a stranger day. ^.^ I'm going to have to start this. Thank you. ♥

    2. You both might like this, then:

      My private school was really big on this (at least when I was in middle school, before everyone got all bitchy and hateful), and I was always a big fan of it. Of course, every week should be a random-acts-of-kindness week, but it's still nice to know that there are people out there celebrating and loving others ^_^

    3. Thanks. You should know by now I'm all for spreading the love. Haha
