Monday, November 14, 2011

"Honey, I'm Pregnant."

Before anyone freaks out, no I'm not really pregnant, but I've been having these series of dreams where I always end up pregnant with a boy and a girl. (not at the same time). The scenarios are almost always different, but I always end up having a girl first, then a boy. 

Now, I know I really want kids some day, and sometimes my ovaries do scream for kids, but I also know that I am not nearly ready enough to start popping them out... My question is, why? Why do I keep having these dreams. They are so frequent that I'm pretty certain to have this dream at least once a week. 

I dunno... 


  1. Weird...I've been having some pretty strange recurrent dreams recently, too, but mine have all been about school--which is weird for me, because I have no desire to go back...

    Stole this from Dream Dictionary--maybe it'll help?

    "To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major event. Alternatively, the dream may be calling attention to your inner child and the potential for you to grow."

  2. Ana.... this is your uterus.....

    Joking! Joking! AAAHHHH Don't chase me down to tackle me and bean me with a burrito!

    [Sorry, sleep deprivation]

    And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. *CLICK*

    [Preggers dream begins again]
