Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Beginning For A New Healthy Me. (A Resolution)

Everyone knows that the start of a new year means the start of new things, at least for most. For me, this also means new beginnings. In my last post, I mentioned working on myself a lot more this year, and that also means my health. For the past couple of years I found out I had IBS, and I am also now lactose intolerant. Meaning I REALLY have to watch what I eat, but I noticed I really have not been paying attention because I still have issues with getting sick and it really ruins moods and dates with Master and such. 

As of today, Master and I have started a new work out routine, and I'm really hoping to keep up with it every day. I complain too much about how I am uncomfortable with my body, and this is a great time to change that view of myself. We had a nice dinner of bite sized chicken chunks which were marinated in lemon juice straight from the lemons, lemon pepper seasoning, and chicken enhancing seasoning. We also had steamed broccoli with a light cheese sauce. It was definitely really delicious. ^.^ Plus I think it was a nice healthy meal too. 

After dinner, we took an hour out of our time to do some yoga, so that went well too. The DVD we did yoga to helped work my core ab muscles and worked what felt like every muscle in my body, and then some. The tension in my back seems to have lessen since doing that, so I know this was great for me. Plus it worked up a little sweat, which is definitely great! 

Right now is down time, and I'm taking this moment to reflect. Honestly, even though it's only been day one, I feel great. In fact, I feel a lot better than what I did when I woke up this morning. I feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and all around just happy. I know this routine will get harder for me at first, but I'm hoping to push past that "Oh this is really hard!" phase and into the "I'm starting to feel and see results" phase that I know will keep me motivated and on track.

My main reasons/motivations for wanting to start this are simple. 

1: I'm almost 21 years old, and I am not in the shape that a 21 year old should be in.

2: I'm hoping to have kids some day, and I'm hoping to stay active with them. In order to be active with my children, I need to be physically fit and live a healthy lifestyle.

3: If I'm in fit, Master and I could do more crazy things regarding kink and exercising, and I think that could help us bond a little better.

4: Exercising with Master makes me feel closer to Him.

5: I hated the fact that this past summer when we went on the 8 mile bike ride with Critical Mass, I was so out of shape I nearly had a heart attacked and pretty much hyper ventilated. 

6: I want to kick my asthma back to the curb. I used to be able to control it a bit better when I was a kid and active, but since I've gained weight, it takes a tole on me. I miss being in more control over it.

7: By exercising more, I can lose weight and actually fit and looks good in a bikini like I used to be able to. I miss that as well.

So the list is pretty decent, but I think they are all things that are reasonable and do-able within due time. I personally do not think it is too much, and I feel that if I can keep myself motivated, I can actually achieve those goals. I want to lose AT LEAST 30 pounds by late spring, early summer. I'm hoping by the end of this year, I will weigh close to 145 pounds. As of today, my current weight is 212.2 pounds. 

When I started eating healthier and cutting out most of my soda drinking and replacing it with water, I weighed in at 223 pounds. That was almost 2 months ago. I think the weight I've lost has been water weight, and this is where the fat burning begins. I'm also hoping to get my body toned, because I really need the upper arm strength, and I've always wanted a toned belly. So that is another goal by the end of this year. 

I'm sure it will be a lot of work, and there will be hard times in which I will want to lie down and quite. I'm sure that with the production of sweat, there will also be tears. I know that I will have to fight against some of my stronger urges to eat junk food, or to just not exercise, but I'm hoping with the encouragement of Master and my friends, that I can push past all of that, and continue down the road of a healthier new me.

I am also hoping that along with that, I can also grow emotionally into a beautiful woman on the inside. I'm hoping to learn how to control my emotions better, and to learn to be more considerate of myself and those around me. I am also hoping I can learn new ways to serve my Master, and learn to not be so lazy and be more productive. I pray I can get past my self-consciousness, and learn to love myself even more than I do now, and love myself no matter what. 

I am going to strive to be a better person from here on out. I'm going to give to charities more, and be more assertive. I'm going to attend gatherings with friends more, and I'm going to learn that it's okay to be me. I'm going to strive to open my heart a little more this year, and be more caring of people. 

These are all things I know I can achieve with just a bit of hard work and the right mindset along with the right attitude. I'm going to live this year and each day like it may be my last, and I'm going to do my best to enjoy each minute of it, even if it sucks. At least I'll be alive and have the ability to experience such hardships, and that's something I can take pride in. Those hard times can help me grow.

I'm happy to say that even today, I have made a small step in the right direction. 

Have you considered your possibilities?

Here is wishing myself luck, and wishing anyone else luck on their own personal journeys. Remember to always have faith. Eventually everything will work out for you.



  1. Good for you, for making some changes, and good luck with everything! If you ever need any help or encouragement, or anything, just let me know! I'm here for you <3

  2. Thanks, Bre! ^.^ I really appreciate that. <3

  3. No problem! You helped me a lot this past year, so I hope I can be there for you like you've been there for me ^_^

  4. I'm glad I could help. =) It's nice to know you're so caring. I love you. ^.^

  5. You can do it and know you're not alone.

  6. Congrats on your goals :). Sounds like you're going about them in a smart and healthy way - best of luck in 2012.
    Oh, and I'm lactose intolerant too!

  7. Thank you! I'm going to try really hard to stay smart and healthy about this. ^.^ Sorry you're lactose intolerant as well. It can be very hard, especially for someone like me who loves dairy. How have you handled it?
