Sunday, December 11, 2011


Not a day goes by in which someone doesn't questions me, what I believe in, why I believe in it, and most of all I am told how I am "wrong." The sad part? I used to let it get to me. Within the last year or so, I have learned to not let that affect me nearly as much, and as of today, I almost don't care anymore whether or not someone thinks I'm stupid, uneducated, moronic or anything else. I don't care because I know better, and I know the truth. 

I know that I am a wonderful, intelligent, loving, caring, and thoughtful person. I know that one day, I will make an excellent wife, as well as a mother. I know that I will always be known for being a compassionate person, and one who will think things over before making important decisions. Just like any other person, I am entitled to my own opinions, and I too have the freedom of speech. However, just like everyone else, I do not have the right to shove my opinions down another persons throat. People do not seem to think of it like that though, but I do, and I am very proud of myself for knowing that and feeling that way, because I know what it feels like to be pressured into thinking a way that I do not feel comfortable in thinking of. 

I am proud in knowing that I am mature enough to not argue like I used to, I am proud that I can just walk away from situations and not even care anymore. I am proud to say that I am better for it. I am proud that I can now laugh at anyone who tries to down talk me, all because our opinions clash. I used to be that person, saying how stupid someone was for not agreeing with me. I do feel sorry for people who are still like that. I will admit that I used to be foolish in that manner, but I have changed since then, and now they are the foolish ones. 

I try my best to not resort to name calling, as it is immature and belittling of them and myself. After all, I am showing how much of an ass I can be if I were to resort to that. I take pride in knowing that I am a lot better with that, and that I am a lot more forgiving of people now. I take pride in knowing that even though someone may not agree with my views, that I will still love them and accept them for who they are, without having to call them names. 

I am a proud woman, slave, companion, daughter, and friend. I am proud of the accomplishments I have made in life, and if anyone out there doesn't like it, then so be it. Know that I have made some wonderful adjustments in my life that are for the better, and I feel there is nothing wrong with the way I live, think, feel, or love in my life.

I am a very prideful person, and I am proud to say no one can take that away from me.



  1. =D

    It's amazing how awesome it feels to take a look aback and notice how epic you truly are.

  2. LOL Thanks, Certari. And yeah it is. ^.^
